Tourist Destination

Vakoana Reserve

Located in the highlands of Madagascar, Vakoana Reserve offers a captivating experience amidst the island's lush jungle. Renowned for its abundant wildlife and botanical diversity, this reserve attracts travelers from around the world in search of adventure and discovery.

Upon arrival at the reserve, you are greeted by a profusion of greenery and the melodious song of tropical birds. Winding trails lead you through a succession of ecosystems, from dense forests to sun-dappled clearings, providing numerous encounters with Madagascar's wildlife.

Vakoana Reserve is famous for its unique encounters with LEMURS, the iconic primates of Madagascar. MACACO LEMURS are among the reserve's most charismatic inhabitants, with their expressive faces and playful behavior.

Exploring the reserve, you'll also discover a variety of exotic plants and flowers. Brightly colored PETAL FLOWERS dot the landscape, while RARE ORCHID VARIETIES add a touch of grace and elegance to the lush jungle.

Another highlight of Vakoana Reserve is its tranquil lakes, where visitors can take a canoe excursion to observe aquatic wildlife and enjoy the serenity of the natural environment. NILE CROCODILES and FRESHWATER TURTLES are among the lake's inhabitants, offering fascinating encounters with Madagascar's aquatic life.

Vakoana Reserve is more than just a tourist destination; it's a nature sanctuary, a place where visitors can connect with the natural world and discover the beauty and diversity of Madagascar's flora and fauna. Each visit offers a new adventure, a new discovery, and a new appreciation for Madagascar's incredible richness.

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Vakoana Reserve

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Peaceful Pangalanes, mischievous aye-aye, rare orchids.

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Majestic baobabs, stealthy fossa, endemic flora.

Tsingy de Bemaraha

Limestone cathedrals, stone bridges, unique species.


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TourDago is a brand of the company Clood Madagascar whose objective is to introduce the Great Island, its wealth, and its natural and historical gems to both internal and external tourists.

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